Non-Synthetic Systemic Herbicide

Non-Synthetic Systemic Herbicide

Farmers understand the need to keep their farmsteads and grain bin sites free of invasive weeds that harbor rodents, tree seedlings while creating operator safety issues.

This product is ideal for use in spot spraying herbicide resistant weeds as Palmers amaranth, thistles, giant ragweed, and other yield stunting weeds. In vine crops as watermelons, cucumbers and squash, the ability to spot spray with a systemic herbicide stops weed re-growth.

An effective rodent control around confinement buildings whether swine, beef or poultry is invasive weed control.  Contact herbicides do not kill the plant to the root.  Systemic herbicides will stop the plant from re-growth. Problem solved.

Testimonials from municipalities, recreational and golf course facilities agree that the product is stronger and more effective than products made with the toxic, synthetic chemicals.  There are no containers to triple rinse nor concerns about landfill disposal.


  • Product is readily biodegradable
  • Does not destroy the millions of vital soil microbes
  • Does not not cause toxic runoff into groundwater harming aquatic life
  • Is safe when used as directed to be used around people, kids, pets and most importantly, the applicator

Why is this herbicide safer than others?

This product does not have a “re-entry” delay period.

It is safe to access the grounds after application.  When a product has a designated re-entry period, it is because there was an application of potentially toxic chemicals that until sufficiently dry can be picked up on pet paws, children’s shoes as well as any wildlife that may access the grounds. 


This product is sold as a concentrate. It has a shelf life of 10 years if stored in well-ventilated area at room temperature above 40 degrees F and the container is sealed.

The suggested mix ratio is 6 to 8 ounces per gallon of water